Episode 16 - BLS Airway Management
Episode 16 - BLS Airway Management
January 2024
Dr. John Hill
Scott Wildenheim
Caleb Ferroni
Ray Pace
Episode Video
Part 1 - BVM
Part 2 - PEEP Valve
Part 3 - Oxygen
Part 4 - Physiology
Part 5 - Intubation Prep
Episode Audio
Show Notes
The basics are paramount!
Proper BVM technique / Basic Techniques
Use two handed mask seal if staffing allows
Understand the device you are using, mask pressure my be adjustable with a syringe.
Success starts before the call with a proper truck and equipment check
Small volume BVM devices are becoming the new standard, to prevent over inflation
Regardless of size of BVM its the operator making sure that just enough volume to get rise of the chest the target
New BVM devices may limit filling of the bag device to keep ventilation rate lower and more appropriate
Capnography can and should be put inline between bag and the mask if just mask ventilating the patient.
The capnography provides rates on your capnograph. Pay attention!
Consider throwing an inline capnography set in with every BVM to remind providers to utilize
Consider using a inline filter between every patient and the BVM to prevent exposure to the providers
Capnography must be allowed to calibrate before sampling Co2
Don't forget the BLS airways OPA / NPA
Consider PEEP valve with every BVM kit. Consider its use if patient is not oxygenating without, needed if manually resuscitating a patient who was previously vented patient
PEEP and CPAP create the same physiological effect at the alveoli level
If you started with CPAP, and the patient requires ventilation, add PEEP
Hang around after dropping a patient off at an ER, what they do immediately thereafter may be things you should have already done
If supplied oxygen from the BVM is insufficient, you can augment with nasal cannula beneath the mask
Oxygenation is a passive process, the trigger for the body to breath is a rise in Co2. We breath to rid ourselves of the Co2 waste product. Higher concentrations of supplied oxygen will diffuse naturally to areas of lower concentration and keep sats up.
Put a nasal cannula on the patient to keep the patient oxygenated between the interval of removing the BVM mask and the introduction of and advanced airway. This is apenic oxygenation. Flow rate can be 15 LPM.
Pulse ox value is delayed. Don't wait for desat, its already happened by the time you see it.
Hyperoxygenation builds a safety net
Trending of pulse ox and capnography is the necessary to see what effect interventions are having on the patient
There is not an obligation to always use a advanced technique if the basic is working
Natural breathing is not positive pressure. The chest goes out and diaphragm down creating a negative intrathoracic pressure "sucking" (equalizing) outside and inside pressures.
This temporary negative pressure in the chest also helps suck blood back to the chest from the extremities
Transitioning to positive pressure ventilation takes away that augmentation of blood pressure and may have systemic effects
Adding medications to this situation may worsen hemodynamics
Start simple management and build to complex
Preparation - prepare for failure
Positioning is different for placing supraglottics vs visualizing the airway for ETI
Resuscitate then intubate
Stabilize airway
Get access
Fluid resuscitate as necessary
Get medications prepared
Have backup plan called for and prepared
"Cheat" - Use adjuncts to help
Bougie can be an option, must train with it to be proficient
Know your tools, practice with other things
Assessment tools may help you decide how difficult airway management may be
Prepare suction, may need to keep suction catheter in the airway during airway attempts
The Protocols
From The Episode
Scott sizes a BVM mask for a walrus
Overhead view
Caleb pratctices his puff puff
Dr Hill and Ray take a nap