Episode 22 - Air Medical Care

Air Medical Care


June 2024


Scott Wildenheim

John Hill


Kyle Schnarrs, RN

Nathan Brzytis, Paramedic, RN

Episode Videos

Helicopter Critical Care Transportation - Part of the EMS Team, Part 1

Helicopter Critical Care Transportation - Part of the EMS Team,  Part 2

Helicopter Critical Care Transportation - Part of the EMS team,  Part 3

Helicopter Critical Care Transportation - Part of the EMS team,  Part 4 Live

Episode Audio

Show Notes

Introduction of Guests:

Career Paths and Backgrounds:

Personal Milestones:

Daily Operations in Air Medical Services:

Aircraft and Equipment:

Challenges in Air Medical Services:

Case Studies and Real-life Scenarios:

Learning and Adaptation:

Communication with Ground Teams:

Clinical Brief:

Operational Considerations:

Airway Management:


Landing Zone (LZ) Briefs:

IFR vs. VFR:

Inter-Facility Transports:

No Surprise Billing Legislation:

Career Pathways:

Daily Operations and Shift Routine:

Aircraft and Equipment:

Weight and Balance Considerations:

Landing Zone (LZ) Procedures:

Pediatric and Special Considerations:

Communication and Coordination:

The Protocols

From The Episode

Nathan describes the advantages of aircraft that can accept stretchers

Kyle describes how different aircraft have different weight restrictions

Dr. Hill discusses the need for interfacility flights

Scott recalls hearing the radio traffic from a scene call