Episode 18 -
Psychiatric Emergencies
Psychiatric Emergencies
March 2024
Scott Wildenheim
Dr. John Hill
Ray Pace
Dr. Jordan Singer
Episode Videos
Psychiatric Emergencies Part 1
Psychiatric Emergencies Part 2
Psychiatric Emergencies Part 3
Psychiatric Emergencies Live Show
Episode Audio
Show Notes
There are 2 situations where EMS will asked to transport someone against their will
The patient lacks capacity
Patient is pink slipped
May need to use either mechanical or chemical restraint - mechanical is almost always used with some form of chemical if the patient is resisting the restraints
What gives EMS the right to take a patient without a pink slip (involuntary emergency temporary admission for psychiatric evaluation)?
The patient lacks capacity to make informed decisions, cannot articulate the risks and anticipated outcomes of their decisions (EMS doesn't have to agree with their positions)
4 components to capacity
Patient consistently communicates a choice
Patient understands medical issues at hand
Patient must understand consequences (risks / benefits) of a decision
Must be able to reason through risks
Without this criteria met, EMS is obligated to do what is in the patients best interest
Taking a patient with capacity against their will and without a pink slip is kidnapping
Leaving a patient without capacity is abandonment
Medical control can be helpful if the situation is not clear, may be medical / legally protective
Ask that Medical Control speak with the patient in these cases
Pre-plan the transport if there are cases where patient does not want to go
Alcohol and substances alone do not remove capacity.
If one is so intoxicated that they do not meet the capacity criteria, then EMS will need to take the patient.
Dementia does not necessary remove capacity
Power of attorney only applies when the patient lacks capacity
If a judge designates a person to lack competency, then a guardian is appointed. Guardians have full authority over a patient regardless of capacity.
Wills mean nothing to medical care.
Pink slips are for patients with capacity, but are presenting with immanent risk to self. Can be issued by Dr. or LE.
Restraint Use
Patients who lack capacity to make decisions and are combative are legally allowed to be restrained
Patients shall never be restrained with any technique that impedes breathing
Patients shall never be restrained prone
Neurovascular checks on restrained limbs shall be conducted a minimum of every 15 min
Commonly one arm is restrained over head, on arm down to side
Use purpose made restraints whenever possible - posey type restraints or non-locking leather restraints
If Police have patient handcuffed or shackled, officer must go with patient to unlock if there is an emergency
Once restrained, sedatives and / or antipsychotics should be used to keep the patient from injuring themselves
Trigger points for use of major tranquilizers varies by doctor. Make sure you know what your medical directors expectations are for its use.
UH EMS Protocol for escalation of medications based on severity of patient presentation - olanzapine>midazolam or lorazepam>haloperidol>ketamine
Once patient is medicated, monitor ALL THE THINGS. HR, EKG, BP, Spo2, Co2, Glucose, GCS, MSP's - wide net, look for causation AND TREAT
Handcuffs are not restraints. Must be in care of law enforcement. Officer needs to be with. Cannot follow. EMS cannot take custody of people.
If patient is sick enough to need sedation, patient is EMS problem and must be transported by EMS, not law enforcement.
Buy purpose made restraints. Its poor practice to ad-hoc restraints. Safer all around.
4 point restraints to prevent patient from working themselves into a position where they could cut off circulation.
Never face down, always position to prevent positional asphyxiation.
Minimize the patients chance to do harm, maximize their ability to ventilate.
RASS score
RASS is one of the most commonly used scales to determine the sedation level, and it measures the severity of agitation and sedation with a score of +4 to −5
+4: combative
+3: very agitated
+2: agitated
+1: restless
0: alert and calm
−1: drowsy
−2: light sedation
−3: moderate sedation
−4: deep sedation
−5: unarousable
Goal is to safe the scene with medications, the goal is not unarousable.
The Protocols
From The Episode
Dr. Hill talks about RASS score
Dr. Singer dicsusses pink slips
Ray describes situations where medications are appropriate
Scott recalls a violent patient